Wrapped Bouquet Flowers

Send Flowers same day across Canada with Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist. Our Wrapped Bouquets catalogue is made up exclusively of freshly cut bouquets which are typically wrapped and tied with a bow, then delivered to the recipient (who in turn arranges the flowers in his or her own vase). An item that is both beautiful and cost effective! Enjoy!


12 Red Roses

12 Red Roses

Red Rose Bouquet, Baby's Brea...
Red Roses Bouquet

Red Roses Bouquet

Dozen Red Roses
Perfectly Pretty

Perfectly Pretty

Six Roses, Baby's Breath
White Hand Tied Roses

White Hand Tied Roses

One Dozen White Roses
Designer's Choice!

Designer's Choice!

Fresh Cut Flowers Wrapped & T...
Fresh Air Bouquet

Fresh Air Bouquet

Fresh Flowers Wrapped
Simple Pleasure

Simple Pleasure

Affordable Wrapped Bouquet
Enchanted Blooms

Enchanted Blooms

Pinks and Whites
Google Review Img

Elizabeth M.

Lovely arrangement of healthy plants, in a beautiful basket, delivered on time. Recipients were delighted! Ordering was fast and easy with lots of product to choose from. Will definitely use this company again.
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Miss I.

Sent sympathy flowers to a loved one. The flowers were as described and while the vase was not the same as in the picture, I knew in advance that was a possibility and the vase was an appropriate substitution. I always used Canada Flowers for my deliveries. Would recommend
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Laura s.

The numerous bouquets I have ordered for my Great Grams have always been beautiful! The presentation, the vase, everything. Delivery has always been on time, a follow-up email is always sent to let me know delivery was made and to ask "how we did".. I really appreciate the follow-up email. Niagara Florist not only makes beautiful bouquets, but their customer service is fantastic!
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Sonja F.

Fast delivery and flowers are worth the money for every budget! Definitely will choose Canada flowers again.
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Faith B.

I’ve been ordering flowers from this website for many years. The arrangements are always exceptional and true to the images on the Canada Flowers pages. I’ve sent flowers internationally and every single time have been completely and totally satisfied. I recommend Canada flowers to every one!
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Michelle D.

Great quality products, great value & quick delivery! I've placed a few orders for occasions and I've yet to be disappointed. My latest order was Fall floral boquet for new neighbours. Same-day delivery. Very pleased!
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Connie B.

Ordering was super easy. Delivery was on the day specified. The hardest part was deciding what to choose. There were so many options. The bouquet we chose looked exactly like the website. Will definitely order from here again.
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Michele D.

This was my first time ordering from Canada Flowers and I was not disappointed. The arrangement was exactly as indicated online and even more beautiful in person. The recipient was extremely happy. I will definitely use this service again!!
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Lou W.

The agent that took my call was amazing! She was caring and compassionate and waited patiently while I bawled my face off and told her how much I miss my mother-in-law. That kind of representative is rare and should be treated like gold. The flowers were delivered on time and were breathtaking. Thank you!
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Colleen J.

I have ordered several times and never had a bad experience. Always on time and beautiful arrangements.
Rainbow Carnations

Rainbow Carnations

Dozen Assorted Carnations
Flora Spectra

Flora Spectra

Lovely Purple Bouquet
European Hand Tied

European Hand Tied

Great Variety of Blooms
Lavish Roses

Lavish Roses

Huge Bouquet of Roses!
Pink, Pink, Pink

Pink, Pink, Pink

All Pink Flowers
18 Pink Carnations

18 Pink Carnations

One & One Half Dozen Carnatio...
Affordably Exotic

Affordably Exotic

Stargazer Lilies and Pink Carnati...
Rainbow Bouquet

Rainbow Bouquet

Always Appreciated
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