Teleflora Anytime Flowers

Canada Flowers is thrilled to offer a new and improved catalogue of florist-designed Teleflora Flower arrangements for any occasion available for same day delivery across Canada. These beautiful floral gifts are delivered through our network of professional Teleflora florists. You can trust Canada Flowers to deliver the following flower gifts suitable for sending on any occasion or sentiment, or 'just because'. Don't see an arrangement you're looking for? Try browsing our Best Selling Flowers or see our New Flower Arrangements.


How Sweet It Is

How Sweet It Is

Teleflora #TFWEB490
Blush Life

Blush Life

Teleflora #TEV56-3A
Cotswald Garden

Cotswald Garden

Teleflora #TEV61-4
Sapphire Sunrise

Sapphire Sunrise

Teleflora #TEV59-1
Purple Serenity

Purple Serenity

Teleflora #TEV59-6
Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours

Teleflora ​#TEV31-5A
Silver Splendor

Silver Splendor

Telelfora #TEV65-7
Sapphire Skies

Sapphire Skies

Teleflora #TEV25-3A
Google Review Img

Will A.

So many beautiful choices. The one we chose came with the same white vase and the most beautiful arrangement of white flowers I have ever seen. Just like the picture only much bigger and beautiful than I could have imagined. Your arrangement out shone every other Arrangement that was there. The main idea was to make cousin Judy pleased with our memorium to her. We are sure she was overjoyed with our arrangement that you designed.
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Jenn B.

My first time ordering with Canada Flowers and it was a great experience. I ordered a bouquet to be sent to Italy for my mother's birthday. The website was easy to navigate, customer service was super helpful when I was missing a piece of information and the bouquet was beautiful. Would definitely recommend and use again!
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Miss I.

Sent sympathy flowers to a loved one. The flowers were as described and while the vase was not the same as in the picture, I knew in advance that was a possibility and the vase was an appropriate substitution. I always used Canada Flowers for my deliveries. Would recommend
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Maria S.

My daughter loves the colour purple and also chocolates. She was not well the other day and I knew she needed something cheerful and fun. I was able to find some gorgeous purple tulips, which were sent along with chocolates. I was so happy to see the wide selection of colours, arrangements, and prices to suit every budget. My daughter loved the bouquet and sent me pictures. It was exactly what I wanted for her. Thank you! I don't send flowers often (not in years!), but this was a fabulous outcome. I recommend Canada Flowers wholeheartedly. Thanks again!
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Lou W.

The agent that took my call was amazing! She was caring and compassionate and waited patiently while I bawled my face off and told her how much I miss my mother-in-law. That kind of representative is rare and should be treated like gold. The flowers were delivered on time and were breathtaking. Thank you!
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Gail G.

The flowers were just stunning! They were for a milestone birthday for my cousin in BC. She was thrilled.
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Pamela W.

We've used this service several times over the past few years. The deliveries are always prompt and the items match as closely as possible to the picture. This particular order was very important to us and Canada Flowers did not disappoint. Our recipients were delighted.
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Chantelle H.

Seriously best company for sending flowers or gifts! Great prices and great quality items! Sent some beautiful flowers to my boss as a sympathy gift, and him and his family loved it! This company rocks, they're super fast getting your order delivered! I will definitely use them again! Thank you Canada flowers you guys rock!!
Google Review Img

Faith B.

I’ve been ordering flowers from this website for many years. The arrangements are always exceptional and true to the images on the Canada Flowers pages. I’ve sent flowers internationally and every single time have been completely and totally satisfied. I recommend Canada flowers to every one!
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Adene B.

Had such a lovely experience! Ordered 2 dozen red roses for my mom’s 60th Birthday and they were delivered on time and absolutely gorgeous! Would absolutely recommend and use their services again!
Garden Of Dreams

Garden Of Dreams

Teleflora #TEV28-3
Polka Dots and Posies

Polka Dots and Posies

Teleflora #TFWEB416
Purest Love

Purest Love

Teleflora #​TEV30-2A
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

Teleflora #TEV12-3C
Sweetest Sunrise

Sweetest Sunrise

Teleflora #​T403-3
Rainbow Love

Rainbow Love

Teleflora #TEV65-3
You're A Gem

You're A Gem

Teleflora #TEV42-7A
Splendid Surprise

Splendid Surprise

Teleflora #TEV20-2
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