Teleflora Birthday Flowers

Welcome to our new and improved Teleflora Birthday Flowers catalogue. Canada Flowers delivers Teleflora arrangements and bouquets designed specifically for birthdays across Canada every day. We are yearly honoured as a leading Canadian Teleflora florist. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's National Teleflora Florist, featuring prices in Canadian dollars. Our Teleflora birthday flowers will be designed and delivered by only the best local affiliated Teleflora florists. For further birthday selections, check out our own original catalogue Birthday Flowers. When choosing where to order birthday flowers online, you can trust that our service, quality and satisfaction will be guaranteed.


Always Amethyst

Always Amethyst

Teleflora #TEV59-2
Possibly Pink

Possibly Pink

Teleflora #T145-1A
Prettiest Purple

Prettiest Purple

Teleflora #TEV61-6
Arrive in Style

Arrive in Style

Teleflora #T55-2A
Make a Wish

Make a Wish

Teleflora #TFWEB164
Fabulous Flora

Fabulous Flora

Teleflora #TLR09-1A
Punch Of Colour

Punch Of Colour

Teleflora #TEV56-2A
Polka Dots and Posies

Polka Dots and Posies

Teleflora #T52-3A
Google Review Img

Elizabeth M.

Lovely arrangement of healthy plants, in a beautiful basket, delivered on time. Recipients were delighted! Ordering was fast and easy with lots of product to choose from. Will definitely use this company again.
Google Review Img

Adene B.

Had such a lovely experience! Ordered 2 dozen red roses for my mom’s 60th Birthday and they were delivered on time and absolutely gorgeous! Would absolutely recommend and use their services again!
Google Review Img

Karen H.

Canada Flowers has been great everytime I've ordered flowers to be delivered. They are my go to online florist!
Google Review Img

Jaye h.

We've ordered flowers several times now from Canada Flowers, for an elderly beloved family member who is living in a care home/hospital. Each time the flowers have arrived right on the requested date, and the bouquets have been as beautiful in real life as in the photos. We are super pleased to be able to rely on Canada Flowers to help us celebrate special days with our special person even though we live far away and cannot be there ourselves in person. Thank you Canada Flowers!
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Ameens A.

We regularly use Canada flowers to send out bouquets several times each year, and they are always beautiful. Its nice to see people receive what you actually order 0n-line.
Google Review Img


The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
Google Review Img

Michele D.

This was my first time ordering from Canada Flowers and I was not disappointed. The arrangement was exactly as indicated online and even more beautiful in person. The recipient was extremely happy. I will definitely use this service again!!
Google Review Img

Christina M.

Amazing service. Ordered for the first time recently for the flowers to be delivered today, and they were delivered on time with my message on a beautifully handwritten note. Flowers were very fresh, full and beautiful. 10/10, will be ordering from here again.
Google Review Img

Ian T.

I have used them for over 8 years! Never disappointed! Easy to use, deliver on time, when there are issues they work with you to resolve in a timely manner. Very responsive, great quality.
Google Review Img

Cassandra A.

A lovely Birthday bouquet delivered to my Mother in Law. She loved it. I did not see it, as she lives province's away, but was told by those that did, she really enjoyed it.
Enchanted Cottage

Enchanted Cottage

Teleflora #T50-1A
Smile and Shine Bouquet

Smile and Shine Bouquet

Teleflora #TEV21-3A
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

​Teleflora #TEV12-3C
Birthday Bash

Birthday Bash

Teleflora #TBC04-1A
Citrus Splash

Citrus Splash

Teleflora #TFWEB418
Lavender Charm

Lavender Charm

Teleflora #​TEV42-3
Pleasing Purple

Pleasing Purple

Teleflora #​TEV45-1
Strikingly Chic

Strikingly Chic

Teleflora #TFWEB305
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