Teleflora Budget Flowers

Our Teleflora Budget Flowers catalogue features a variety of fresh arrangements and bouquets all optimally priced for the highest savings! Delivery available to most towns and cities Canada-wide by local Teleflora florists! More low priced flowers to send can be found at our original Budget Flowers catalogue. At these prices, it's okay to order more than one!


Possibly Pink

Possibly Pink

Teleflora #T145-1A
Daisy Daydreams

Daisy Daydreams

Teleflora #T11Z105A
Pink Notion

Pink Notion

Teleflora #T12Z108A
Colour It Happy

Colour It Happy

Teleflora #T09J301A
What a Treat

What a Treat

Teleflora #TEV12-2A
Pretty Please

Pretty Please

Teleflora #TFWEB511
Upsy Daisy

Upsy Daisy

Teleflora #TEV13-4A
Daisies And Dots

Daisies And Dots

Teleflora #TEV56-1A
Google Review Img

Ameens A.

We regularly use Canada flowers to send out bouquets several times each year, and they are always beautiful. Its nice to see people receive what you actually order 0n-line.
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Katherine & Doug R.

Ordered online that morning and it was delivered around lunch time. Product was well-explained and the picture was accurate.
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Adams C.

I sent my Dearest friend and family her favorite flowers, Gerbera Daisy's for the loss of their beloved Dog Zoey. Although I didn't see the final product, She said they were Perfect and that she Loved them with my sentiment. So Thank You for helping my Friend brighten their Day a little.
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Jennifer H.

I was very pleased with the bouquet that was delivered to my aunt in New York State! I live in Canada so I was so pleased to order these and be able to pay in Canadian funds. It was expensive but she loved them and I’d use them again for a special occasion!
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Lezlie O.

I sent flowers to a client recently, out of province. She called and said they were beautiful. The delivery was on time.. the only suggestion I would make is when someone is sending flowers, that the sender is obviously not going to see because they are out of province, it would be nice if a photo was sent to the sender so they know what was sent. Other than that great job!! Thanks
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Diane H.

I ordered these flowers On-Line. It was a very easy and user friendly process! I had them preordered to arrive for my Mother’s Birthday. This was a delivery made to a Nursing Home in Scarborough, Ontario. They arrived right when expected and my Mother was thrilled! Everything was exactly as shown on-line! Very pleased!
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F. Skeaff

I have been extremely pleased with each order that I have placed with you and the recipents have been delighted with the floral arrangements as well. Thank you for you speedy delivery of the flowers. My last order was in Calgary 3 hrs after I placed it from Ontario. Bravo! Will definitely go through Canada Flowers again and again. Thank you for your service and for the agents answering the phones....all terrific.
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Sonja F.

Fast delivery and flowers are worth the money for every budget! Definitely will choose Canada flowers again.
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Brenda P.

I highly recommend Canada Flowers. I send my Aunt, who is in a retirement home, a few bouquets each year. Every floral arrangement has been received with amazement by her for the quality of the flowers, how long lasting they are & the multitude of styles. Each bouquet is so different. The Easter gift this year was a collection of living plants, some flowering & presented in a beautiful wicker basket. She loved it. A huge thank you from me for always getting it right.
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Stephanie S.

Excellent Service!! Beautiful flowers (even when substitutions are made from my original selection). Recipient says they were "outstanding" and I have to agree (based on the photo she sent me). Kudos! Will DEFINATELY keep using them for future orders!
Precious Love

Precious Love

Teleflora #TFWEB566
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

Teleflora #TEV12-3A
Delightfully Daisy

Delightfully Daisy

Teleflora #TFWEB433
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4
Fall for Daisies

Fall for Daisies

Teleflora #TFWEB446
Let's Celebrate

Let's Celebrate

Teleflora #TEV33-3A
Dashing Daisies

Dashing Daisies

Teleflora #T12Z105A
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