Teleflora Budget Flowers

Our Teleflora Budget Flowers catalogue features a variety of fresh arrangements and bouquets all optimally priced for the highest savings! Delivery available to most towns and cities Canada-wide by local Teleflora florists! More low priced flowers to send can be found at our original Budget Flowers catalogue. At these prices, it's okay to order more than one!


Daisy Daydreams

Daisy Daydreams

Teleflora #T11Z105A
Possibly Pink

Possibly Pink

Teleflora #T145-1A
What a Treat

What a Treat

Teleflora #TEV12-2A
Pink Notion

Pink Notion

Teleflora #T12Z108A
Pretty Please

Pretty Please

Teleflora #TFWEB511
Colour It Happy

Colour It Happy

Teleflora #T09J301A
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

Teleflora #TEV12-3A
Upsy Daisy

Upsy Daisy

Teleflora #TEV13-4A
Google Review Img

Alison O.

My daughter was delighted with her birthday flowers (photo#1) when they arrived. Day 3 the first lily opened and now a week later (photo#3) she said ” they are getting better by the day!” The lilies make it a full bouquet as they open. Thank you! She told me to take note of where I ordered for next time! I will.
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Elizabeth E.

I ordered the basic lavender field flowers bouquet for my mother in laws birthday. She lives in a small town in Ontario (Southampton). The arrangement was beautiful and full! I was soo impressed. She was so happy! They were beautiful
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Anastasia W.

Flowers were as expected and beautiful. Delivery instructions were followed and the recipient was thrilled with the gift of flowers
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Vicky M.

Overall good experience, ordering was easy, appreciated the fact that they quickly advised me that the plants ordered were not available & they would substitute. Would recommend
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Cassandra A.

A lovely Birthday bouquet delivered to my Mother in Law. She loved it. I did not see it, as she lives province's away, but was told by those that did, she really enjoyed it.
Google Review Img

Will A.

So many beautiful choices. The one we chose came with the same white vase and the most beautiful arrangement of white flowers I have ever seen. Just like the picture only much bigger and beautiful than I could have imagined. Your arrangement out shone every other Arrangement that was there. The main idea was to make cousin Judy pleased with our memorium to her. We are sure she was overjoyed with our arrangement that you designed.
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Su N.

Flowers were exactly the same as the picture online displayed them as, and were delivered, although a bit late in the evening, on the day expected. The recipient loved them! Thank you, Susan N.
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Christopher R.

Service wise pretty good, seemingly no issues no more expensive than others but more reasonable than most. I never saw the flowers myself but based on the reaction I got I think they were well recieved and did the job. So I give 4 stars to places that do what they should do and do it as expected or well. 5 for me is over and above or unexpected surprises. So like I said everything went as would expect so 4 stars IMO! :) I'd use them again
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Website was easy to navigate. Prices were reasonable. Was easy to place an online order for delivery. I don't know what the finished product looked like (just going based on what I choose on the website) but very pleased that delivery instructions were followed and the flowers were waiting for the person when they got home. Thank you. Will certainly order through them again.
Google Review Img

Douglas T.

The flowers were delivered promptly and the recipient says they were "beautiful". Two happy customers. Well done!
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4
Daisies And Dots

Daisies And Dots

Teleflora #TEV56-1A
Let's Celebrate

Let's Celebrate

Teleflora #TEV33-3A
Precious Love

Precious Love

Teleflora #TFWEB566
Delightfully Daisy

Delightfully Daisy

Teleflora #TFWEB433
Dashing Daisies

Dashing Daisies

Teleflora #T12Z105A
Fall for Daisies

Fall for Daisies

Teleflora #TFWEB446
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