Teleflora Christmas Arrangements

This Christmas, shop online with Canada Flowers for beautiful Teleflora flowers and keepsake gifts. Canada Flowers Teleflora Christmas catalogue features beautiful flowers for delivery across Canada. We are proud to offer popular, affordable and fashionable Telelfora Christmas Flowers delivered fresh to the door by the finest Teleflora florists across Canada.


Jolly Candy Cane

Jolly Candy Cane

Teleflora #​TWR15-1
Snowy Woods

Snowy Woods

Teleflora #​TWR14-2
Festive Pines

Festive Pines

Teleflora # TWR14-4
Berries and Spice

Berries and Spice

Teleflora #T120-1A
Wondrous Winter

Wondrous Winter

Telelfora #​T17V220
Yuletide Spirit Bouquet

Yuletide Spirit Bouquet

Teleflora #TWR02-1A


Teleflora #TWR16-1
Scarlet Splendor

Scarlet Splendor

Teleflora #TWR16-9
Google Review Img

Heather J.

The flower arrangement arrived the day promised for a gathering the following day. Years ago, I completed a certification program in floral design so I am well aware of quality and freshness. I felt the value was very good for the price paid. Thank you. Note: I purchased the "medium priced" version.
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Jeanette W.

Beautiful arrangement and delivered as promised. Price was fair too. Extremely pleased with the service.
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Jennifer H.

I was very pleased with the bouquet that was delivered to my aunt in New York State! I live in Canada so I was so pleased to order these and be able to pay in Canadian funds. It was expensive but she loved them and I’d use them again for a special occasion!
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Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
Google Review Img


Website was easy to navigate. Prices were reasonable. Was easy to place an online order for delivery. I don't know what the finished product looked like (just going based on what I choose on the website) but very pleased that delivery instructions were followed and the flowers were waiting for the person when they got home. Thank you. Will certainly order through them again.
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Adams C.

I sent my Dearest friend and family her favorite flowers, Gerbera Daisy's for the loss of their beloved Dog Zoey. Although I didn't see the final product, She said they were Perfect and that she Loved them with my sentiment. So Thank You for helping my Friend brighten their Day a little.
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Elizabeth E.

I ordered the basic lavender field flowers bouquet for my mother in laws birthday. She lives in a small town in Ontario (Southampton). The arrangement was beautiful and full! I was soo impressed. She was so happy! They were beautiful
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Christopher R.

Service wise pretty good, seemingly no issues no more expensive than others but more reasonable than most. I never saw the flowers myself but based on the reaction I got I think they were well recieved and did the job. So I give 4 stars to places that do what they should do and do it as expected or well. 5 for me is over and above or unexpected surprises. So like I said everything went as would expect so 4 stars IMO! :) I'd use them again
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Karen H.

Canada Flowers has been great everytime I've ordered flowers to be delivered. They are my go to online florist!
Google Review Img

Kingsley H.

The flowers are lovely and my wife loved them! Was hoping to see a bit more roses in there but the color variety was pleasant and they throw in a vase for you! Placed order feb 7 to have it deliver next day and arrived at 6:10pm. (Their delivery time is between 10am - 6pm as mentioned on their website). Their email response time was appropriate and they'll send you an email receipt and that your order has been confirmed/processed. Great job Canada Flowers!
Merriest Season

Merriest Season

Teleflora #TWR16-2
Peppermint Posies

Peppermint Posies

Teleflora #​TFWEB258
Merry & Bright

Merry & Bright

Teleflora #​T125-1
Luminous Charm

Luminous Charm

Teleflora #T24X605
Winter Pop

Winter Pop

Teleflora #​TWR14-1
Holiday Splendour

Holiday Splendour

Teleflora #T119-1A
Sweet Celebration

Sweet Celebration

Teleflora #TFWEB259
Winter Glow

Winter Glow

Teleflora #​T133-1
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