Teleflora Congratulations Flowers

Send congratulations flowers to let someone know you're proud of their achievement. Always hand-delivered by a local florist.


Possibly Pink

Possibly Pink

Teleflora #T145-1A
Your Sweet Smile

Your Sweet Smile

Teleflora #​TEV11-1A
Rosy Moment

Rosy Moment

Teleflora #TEV66-7
Blushing Violet

Blushing Violet

Teleflora #TEV42-1A
Dressed To Impress

Dressed To Impress

Teleflora #​TEV42-4A
Smile for Me

Smile for Me

Teleflora #​TEV11-3A
This Magic Moment

This Magic Moment

Teleflora #​T66-1A
Turn Up The Pink

Turn Up The Pink

Teleflora #​TEV33-1
Google Review Img

Brian G.

My wife was very pleased with the bouquet she received on her 65th birthday. Delivery was right on time and the flowers were perfect as seen in the photo. Great job!
Google Review Img

Ameens A.

We regularly use Canada flowers to send out bouquets several times each year, and they are always beautiful. Its nice to see people receive what you actually order 0n-line.
Google Review Img

Connie B.

Ordering was super easy. Delivery was on the day specified. The hardest part was deciding what to choose. There were so many options. The bouquet we chose looked exactly like the website. Will definitely order from here again.
Google Review Img

Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
Google Review Img

Alison O.

My daughter was delighted with her birthday flowers (photo#1) when they arrived. Day 3 the first lily opened and now a week later (photo#3) she said ” they are getting better by the day!” The lilies make it a full bouquet as they open. Thank you! She told me to take note of where I ordered for next time! I will.
Google Review Img


The online ordering was extremely easy to use. The flower arrangement I ordered was gorgeous and exceeded my expectations and teh delivery service was exceptional. I will definitly be uses them again and will absolutely be reccommending Canada Flowers to my friends and family.
Google Review Img

Karen O.

Excellent experience: beautiful choices & speedy responses to any concerns & questions. The recipient loved the arrangement
Google Review Img

Karen H.

Canada Flowers has been great everytime I've ordered flowers to be delivered. They are my go to online florist!
Google Review Img

Richard M.

Canada Flowers is awesome. They have prepared and promptly delivered a half a dozen bereavement flower arrangements just this year for me, each with special requests, such as ribbons attached using colours of regimental ties, with specific messages, all done exactly as requested, for families of CAF & First Responder families with whom I have worked. All look magnificent, exact to the finest detail, and delivered promptly, sometimes with not more than 7 hrs notice. Just amazing. I just don't bother to go anywhere else...never will. Thanks to all the staff at Canada Flowers for your outstanding service.
Google Review Img


The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
Sophie's Pick!
Uniquely Chic

Uniquely Chic

Teleflora #T47-3A
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4
Summer Daydream

Summer Daydream

Teleflora #​TEV31-4A
Sunrise Splendor

Sunrise Splendor

Teleflora #TRS08-1A
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