All of our rich, colourful Teleflora fall flowers are hand-made by the very best professional Teleflora florists and are locally delivered fresh to the door, across Canada. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's national florist, specializing in premium local Canadian Teleflora flower delivery services. If you don't find the perfect fall flower arrangement below, you can check out our catalogue of original Fall Flowers.
Absolutely beautiful, exactly what the picture looked like. Brought tears to my cousin as it was for her sons celebration of life gathering. She said it was the most beautiful arrangement she ever received. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again.
Christmas Centerpiece arrive fresh and beautiful. It was a surprise and enjoyed by our friend. She called us to say how beautiful it looked on her set Christmas Table!
Canada Flowers has been great everytime I've ordered flowers to be delivered. They are my go to online florist!
I have ordered floral arrangements several times through Canada Flowers and have never been disappointed. Recently I ordered a simple sympathy arrangement. It was delivered on time and was absolutely gorgeous, better than depicted in their website photo. I remain very pleased with the service and the product provided. Thank you!
This was my first time ordering from Canada Flowers and I was not disappointed. The arrangement was exactly as indicated online and even more beautiful in person. The recipient was extremely happy. I will definitely use this service again!!
Fast and on time! Person who delivered was great! My mother loves the flowers and i plan to buy more from here in the future Such beautiful flowers and decorated really well!
The flower arrangement arrived the day promised for a gathering the following day. Years ago, I completed a certification program in floral design so I am well aware of quality and freshness. I felt the value was very good for the price paid. Thank you. Note: I purchased the "medium priced" version.
Easy ordering & delivered at a good time same day! She took a photo of the flower arrangement to show me. Absolutely beautiful & Karen loves them!! I’ve always thought of daisies as happy flower, the lift Karen truly needed! Great job! Thankyou!
Ordering was super easy. Delivery was on the day specified. The hardest part was deciding what to choose. There were so many options. The bouquet we chose looked exactly like the website. Will definitely order from here again.
Flowers were as expected and beautiful. Delivery instructions were followed and the recipient was thrilled with the gift of flowers