Teleflora Fall Flowers

All of our rich, colourful Teleflora fall flowers are hand-made by the very best professional Teleflora florists and are locally delivered fresh to the door, across Canada. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's national florist, specializing in premium local Canadian Teleflora flower delivery services. If you don't find the perfect fall flower arrangement below, you can check out our catalogue of original Fall Flowers.


Autumn Expression

Autumn Expression

Teleflora #TFL02
Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest

Teleflora #T24T300
Autumn Romance

Autumn Romance

Teleflora #TFL05-1A
Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise Sunset

Teleflora #T47-1A
Woodsy Whisper

Woodsy Whisper

Teleflora #T24T305
Harvest joy

Harvest joy

Telelfora #T24T205
Fall Chic

Fall Chic

Teleflora #​TFL10-3A
Woodland Garden

Woodland Garden

Teleflora #T24T310
Google Review Img

Karen O.

Excellent experience: beautiful choices & speedy responses to any concerns & questions. The recipient loved the arrangement
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Danielle P.

They couldn't deliver the flowers the first day but delivered them the next in the early afternoon which was fine. I don't know how the flowers were as I did not speak to the person receiving them. I hope they were lovely and cheerful.
Google Review Img

Lou W.

The agent that took my call was amazing! She was caring and compassionate and waited patiently while I bawled my face off and told her how much I miss my mother-in-law. That kind of representative is rare and should be treated like gold. The flowers were delivered on time and were breathtaking. Thank you!
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Will A.

So many beautiful choices. The one we chose came with the same white vase and the most beautiful arrangement of white flowers I have ever seen. Just like the picture only much bigger and beautiful than I could have imagined. Your arrangement out shone every other Arrangement that was there. The main idea was to make cousin Judy pleased with our memorium to her. We are sure she was overjoyed with our arrangement that you designed.
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Jenn B.

My first time ordering with Canada Flowers and it was a great experience. I ordered a bouquet to be sent to Italy for my mother's birthday. The website was easy to navigate, customer service was super helpful when I was missing a piece of information and the bouquet was beautiful. Would definitely recommend and use again!
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Mark/Carol H.

I ordered the flowers online, and it was a seamless experience from start to finish. I even did the *add on* with a box of chocolates...I got a call on the morning of the date of delivery from our local Flower Shop, and they made the delivery, plus the Flowers were beautiful, exactly what I ordered! The recipient loved it.
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Marcia G.

I’m so glad I chose this flower shop. My friend looked my Christmas/ birthday arrangement. Definitely a great experience.
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Michelle D.

Great quality products, great value & quick delivery! I've placed a few orders for occasions and I've yet to be disappointed. My latest order was Fall floral boquet for new neighbours. Same-day delivery. Very pleased!
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Christopher R.

Service wise pretty good, seemingly no issues no more expensive than others but more reasonable than most. I never saw the flowers myself but based on the reaction I got I think they were well recieved and did the job. So I give 4 stars to places that do what they should do and do it as expected or well. 5 for me is over and above or unexpected surprises. So like I said everything went as would expect so 4 stars IMO! :) I'd use them again
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Mare M.

Our friend absolutely loved and appreciated the cheese & cracker gift that we sent her from Canada Flowers so thank you very much, it was exactly as we'd hoped:-)
Family Gathering

Family Gathering

Teleflora #T169-1A
Fall Blush

Fall Blush

Teleflora #​TFL08-1A
Full of Laughter

Full of Laughter

Teleflora #TEV13-2A
Majestic Meadow

Majestic Meadow

Teleflora #T24T200
Harvest Shimmer

Harvest Shimmer

Teleflora #​TFL10-1A
Autumn's Awe

Autumn's Awe

Teleflora #TFWEB59
Fancy Free

Fancy Free

Teleflora #TEV32-2A
Fall Fantasia

Fall Fantasia

Teleflora #T167-1A
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