Teleflora Fall Flowers

All of our rich, colourful Teleflora fall flowers are hand-made by the very best professional Teleflora florists and are locally delivered fresh to the door, across Canada. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's national florist, specializing in premium local Canadian Teleflora flower delivery services. If you don't find the perfect fall flower arrangement below, you can check out our catalogue of original Fall Flowers.


Autumn Expression

Autumn Expression

Teleflora #TFL02
Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest

Teleflora #T24T300
Autumn Romance

Autumn Romance

Teleflora #TFL05-1A
Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise Sunset

Teleflora #T47-1A
Woodsy Whisper

Woodsy Whisper

Teleflora #T24T305
Harvest joy

Harvest joy

Telelfora #T24T205
Fall Chic

Fall Chic

Teleflora #​TFL10-3A
Woodland Garden

Woodland Garden

Teleflora #T24T310
Google Review Img

Christina M.

Amazing service. Ordered for the first time recently for the flowers to be delivered today, and they were delivered on time with my message on a beautifully handwritten note. Flowers were very fresh, full and beautiful. 10/10, will be ordering from here again.
Google Review Img

Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
Google Review Img

Christopher R.

Service wise pretty good, seemingly no issues no more expensive than others but more reasonable than most. I never saw the flowers myself but based on the reaction I got I think they were well recieved and did the job. So I give 4 stars to places that do what they should do and do it as expected or well. 5 for me is over and above or unexpected surprises. So like I said everything went as would expect so 4 stars IMO! :) I'd use them again
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Aaron P.

Great service, Mother's Day during a pandemic meant that shipping was my only real option. Arrived on time and beautifully done and as an added bonus I joked "watch out for bees" on the card - and the florist included little fake bees hidden in the bouquet. Loved the attention to detail - will definitely use this service again.
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One 44

My friend really loved the flowers; she said they were beautiful! I really appreciated the text message you sent to let her know the flowers were delivered and was outside on her porch; especially in the cold weather. Thankyou!
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Robin C.

I have ordered many times and never have I been disappointed, regardless of price point or geographic location for the delivery! Thank you! (photo was last weeks delivery to my parents in their new retirement home!)
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Canada flowers never lets me down! The arrangements are always abundant and fragrant. They also often have promotional codes that help with the cost of shipping.
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Richard M.

Canada Flowers is awesome. They have prepared and promptly delivered a half a dozen bereavement flower arrangements just this year for me, each with special requests, such as ribbons attached using colours of regimental ties, with specific messages, all done exactly as requested, for families of CAF & First Responder families with whom I have worked. All look magnificent, exact to the finest detail, and delivered promptly, sometimes with not more than 7 hrs notice. Just amazing. I just don't bother to go anywhere else...never will. Thanks to all the staff at Canada Flowers for your outstanding service.
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Joyce M.

I placed an order fro my Neice's Birthday and they were absolutely stunning and almost identical to the bouquet I picked. Thank you!
Google Review Img

Sandra S.

I have ordered floral arrangements several times through Canada Flowers and have never been disappointed. Recently I ordered a simple sympathy arrangement. It was delivered on time and was absolutely gorgeous, better than depicted in their website photo. I remain very pleased with the service and the product provided. Thank you!
Family Gathering

Family Gathering

Teleflora #T169-1A
Full of Laughter

Full of Laughter

Teleflora #TEV13-2A
Majestic Meadow

Majestic Meadow

Teleflora #T24T200
Harvest Shimmer

Harvest Shimmer

Teleflora #​TFL10-1A
Autumn's Awe

Autumn's Awe

Teleflora #TFWEB59
Fall Blush

Fall Blush

Teleflora #​TFL08-1A
Fall Fantasia

Fall Fantasia

Teleflora #T167-1A
Fancy Free

Fancy Free

Teleflora #TEV32-2A
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