Teleflora Father's Day Flowers

Father's Day gifts should fit Dad's personality. Send Dad flowers that are always hand-delivered by a Teleflora local florist. ​Celebrate Father's Day this year with flowers, plants, fruit or gourmet baskets from Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist!


Sapphire Garden

Sapphire Garden

Teleflora #​T19E200A
Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise Sunset

Teleflora #T47-1A
Blue Caribbean

Blue Caribbean

Teleflora #​T05N440A
Glorious Morning

Glorious Morning

Teleflora #TEV61-7
Burst Of Blue

Burst Of Blue

Teleflora #​T19E205A
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

Teleflora #TEV12-3C
Sunrise At Sea

Sunrise At Sea

Teleflora #TEV61-1
Golden Laughter

Golden Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV46-1
Google Review Img

One 44

My friend really loved the flowers; she said they were beautiful! I really appreciated the text message you sent to let her know the flowers were delivered and was outside on her porch; especially in the cold weather. Thankyou!
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Mary S.

I love Canada Flowers. I was able to find a lovely arrangement at a good price online and it was delivered the same day. The recipient of the flowers sent me a picture of them, they were exactly what I ordered and she was thrilled and impressed with the arrangement. I always use Canada Flowers and have never been disappointed.
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F. Skeaff

I have been extremely pleased with each order that I have placed with you and the recipents have been delighted with the floral arrangements as well. Thank you for you speedy delivery of the flowers. My last order was in Calgary 3 hrs after I placed it from Ontario. Bravo! Will definitely go through Canada Flowers again and again. Thank you for your service and for the agents answering the phones....all terrific.
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Jennifer H.

I was very pleased with the bouquet that was delivered to my aunt in New York State! I live in Canada so I was so pleased to order these and be able to pay in Canadian funds. It was expensive but she loved them and I’d use them again for a special occasion!
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Douglas T.

The flowers were delivered promptly and the recipient says they were "beautiful". Two happy customers. Well done!
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Mark B.

The ordering process was very straight forward and easy to accomplish. The flowers arrived on the designated day and the arrangement was what I had ordered. Well done Canada Flowers!!
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Elizabeth E.

I ordered the basic lavender field flowers bouquet for my mother in laws birthday. She lives in a small town in Ontario (Southampton). The arrangement was beautiful and full! I was soo impressed. She was so happy! They were beautiful
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Stephanie S.

Excellent Service!! Beautiful flowers (even when substitutions are made from my original selection). Recipient says they were "outstanding" and I have to agree (based on the photo she sent me). Kudos! Will DEFINATELY keep using them for future orders!
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Darlene F.

The quality of the flowers were fantastic. Delivery on time. I have used Canada Flowers in the past and will continue to do so - never disappointed
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The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
Summer Daydream

Summer Daydream

Teleflora #​TEV31-4A
Tropical Punch

Tropical Punch

Teleflora #​TEV31-8A
Rose Revelry

Rose Revelry

Teleflora #TEV60-9
Citrus Kissed

Citrus Kissed

Teleflora #​T157-1A
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