Teleflora Friendship Flowers

Send Flowers same day across Canada with Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist. At Canada Flowers we have created a wonderful catalogue of flowers - just between friends. Go ahead and surprise someone you care about today whether it be a girlfriend, boyfriend or just a friend who could use some cheering up. They will love you for it! Prices below are in Canadian dollars. Go ahead and make a friend smile today with beautiful, uplifting flowers from Canada Flowers.


Sunset Splash

Sunset Splash

Teleflora #TEV59-7
Soft Reflections

Soft Reflections

Teleflora #T600-3A
Polka Dots and Posies

Polka Dots and Posies

Teleflora #T52-3A
Lavender Laughter

Lavender Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV28-2A
Golden Laughter

Golden Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV46-1
Dancing in Daisies

Dancing in Daisies

Teleflora #TEV12-3C
Blue Caribbean

Blue Caribbean

Teleflora #​T05N440A
Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise Sunset

Teleflora #T47-1A
Google Review Img

Kelly S.

Ordered, and arrived on time! Very happy with the service & the easy-to-use website. I’ll use Canada Flowers again for sure!
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Su N.

Flowers were exactly the same as the picture online displayed them as, and were delivered, although a bit late in the evening, on the day expected. The recipient loved them! Thank you, Susan N.
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Laura s.

The numerous bouquets I have ordered for my Great Grams have always been beautiful! The presentation, the vase, everything. Delivery has always been on time, a follow-up email is always sent to let me know delivery was made and to ask "how we did".. I really appreciate the follow-up email. Niagara Florist not only makes beautiful bouquets, but their customer service is fantastic!
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Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
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Kyriake T.

Not only was the ordering process super easy but quite affordable. The flowers were delivered on time and the quality was outstanding. Much bigger than I expected and very fresh
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Janet M.

Ordered flowers for someone’s 90th. There was supposed to be a balloon. She was thrilled with them. When I asked if there was a Happy Birthday balloon, she said no, but they’d sent her a stuffed animal. Made her feel like a child again. She was happy so I was happy. I didn’t get to see the flowers but I’d definitely use their service again.
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Linda W.

My friend called me when she received the plant to tell me how beautiful it was. Delivery was prompt as promised. Thank you Canada Flowers.
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Alexi R.

Fast processing on site. Lots of choices. Delivered on time. The flowers delivered were pretty close to order. My mom was happy with them.
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Flowers arrived on time and were beautiful! Ordered a christmas table arrangement. I loved it. Still looking good a week later.
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Lila K.

I ordered flowers + chocolates from Canada Flowers for my Sister-in-law who is recuperating from surgery. The flowers were beautiful, just like it showed on their website. My Sister-in-law loved them & she sent me a picture. I was also pleased & glad I choose Canada Flowers as I looked at other florist but they looked the best.
Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes

Teleflora #TF46-2
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