Teleflora's Gourmet Picnic Basket

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Teleflora's Gourmet Picnic Basket
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Send this basket filled with delicious fruits and foods, and someone special will enjoy a memorable picnic day. Makes a great corporate gift, too. ​Fresh fruits, cheeses, nuts, sausage, olives and crackers arrive in a bow-tied wicker basket.

Please note some fruit varieties or brand named gourmet items shown may not be available in all delivery areas across Canada. Where unavailable, a comparable item will be substituted.

Our Freshness Guarantee


Same day flower delivery across Canada on most orders placed online by 12 pm, or 10 am on weekends.

  • Our deliveries range between 10AM-6PM to Residential addresses and 10AM-4PM for Business deliveries.
  • Sunday delivery is available in most larger cities across Canada.
  • Delivered items may vary. Read about substitutions.

Substitution Policy

Product arrives as close to picture as possible. Vases, containers and any additional items displayed in photo are included.

Occasionally it is necessary to substitute items that are either pictured or described online due to variations in supply zones.

Read more about substitutions

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