Teleflora Get Well Flowers

Welcome to our newest fresh flower catalogue, featuring an easy-to-give collection of Teleflora bouquets suitable for get well giving. Canada Flowers is a floral industry leader and award-winning Teleflora florist. Send Teleflora get well flowers with same day delivery to hospitals or a residence. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist, featuring prices in Canadian dollars. You can feel safe that the get well arrangement or bouquet you order online comes with guaranteed service, quality and satisfaction. Canada Flowers also offers a wide selection of our own originally designed Get Well Flowers.


Golden Laughter

Golden Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV46-1
Regal Pink Ruby

Regal Pink Ruby

Teleflora #TEV59-3
Poetry in Purple

Poetry in Purple

Teleflora #TEV24-3B
Basket Full of Wishes

Basket Full of Wishes

Teleflora #T27-2A
So Pretty

So Pretty

Teleflora #T404-2A
Daisy Delight

Daisy Delight

Teleflora #TEV07-1A
Morning Melody

Morning Melody

Teleflora #T68-3A
Pleasing Purple

Pleasing Purple

Teleflora #​TEV45-1
Google Review Img

Lise M.

We ordered a standing floral arrangement for my brother in law's funeral and it was lovely. Exactly as described. Very large and full with a lovely 'Brother' ribbon. The price was very reasonable and much less than the floral shop. Thank you.
Google Review Img

Mark B.

The ordering process was very straight forward and easy to accomplish. The flowers arrived on the designated day and the arrangement was what I had ordered. Well done Canada Flowers!!
Google Review Img

Elizabeth M.

Lovely arrangement of healthy plants, in a beautiful basket, delivered on time. Recipients were delighted! Ordering was fast and easy with lots of product to choose from. Will definitely use this company again.
Google Review Img

Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
Google Review Img

Mark/Carol H.

I ordered the flowers online, and it was a seamless experience from start to finish. I even did the *add on* with a box of chocolates...I got a call on the morning of the date of delivery from our local Flower Shop, and they made the delivery, plus the Flowers were beautiful, exactly what I ordered! The recipient loved it.
Google Review Img

Brittany M.

Excellent service!! I love ordering to anywhere from this site and they are always delivered on time!!
Google Review Img


Website was easy to navigate. Prices were reasonable. Was easy to place an online order for delivery. I don't know what the finished product looked like (just going based on what I choose on the website) but very pleased that delivery instructions were followed and the flowers were waiting for the person when they got home. Thank you. Will certainly order through them again.
Google Review Img

F. Skeaff

I have been extremely pleased with each order that I have placed with you and the recipents have been delighted with the floral arrangements as well. Thank you for you speedy delivery of the flowers. My last order was in Calgary 3 hrs after I placed it from Ontario. Bravo! Will definitely go through Canada Flowers again and again. Thank you for your service and for the agents answering the phones....all terrific.
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Vicky M.

Overall good experience, ordering was easy, appreciated the fact that they quickly advised me that the plants ordered were not available & they would substitute. Would recommend
Google Review Img


Canada flowers never lets me down! The arrangements are always abundant and fragrant. They also often have promotional codes that help with the cost of shipping.
Bright Day

Bright Day

Teleflora #TEV24-5B
Smiles for Miles

Smiles for Miles

Teleflora #TEV15-3A
Cheerful Gift

Cheerful Gift

Teleflora #TEV60-5
Garden Parade

Garden Parade

Teleflora #T41-1A
Wondrous Wishes

Wondrous Wishes

Teleflora #T11-1A
Sunbeams and Smiles

Sunbeams and Smiles

Teleflora #TEV26-1A
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