Teleflora Mother's Day Flowers

Send Mom flowers for Mother's Day! Our Teleflora Mother's Day Flowers catalogue features stunning flowers specially crafted just for Mom. Canada Flowers delivers Teleflora flowers across Canada every day. We are honoured yearly as a leading worldwide Teleflora florist. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist. Featuring prices in Canadian dollars. There are no extra service fees and satisfaction is guaranteed. Browse our Canada Flowers Original Mother's Day Flowers to see what else we have to offer.


Rosy Skies

Rosy Skies

Teleflora #T24M310
Alluring Mosaic

Alluring Mosaic

Teleflora #T24M300
Sweetest Flutter

Sweetest Flutter

Teleflora #T24M200
Shimmering Oasis

Shimmering Oasis

Teleflora #T24M410
Oceanside Garden

Oceanside Garden

Teleflora #TEV47-1A
Pop Of Fun

Pop Of Fun

Teleflora #TEV45-3A
Blooming Brilliant

Blooming Brilliant

Teleflora #T24M400
Glamour and Glitter

Glamour and Glitter

Telelfora #T24M405
Google Review Img

Maria S.

My daughter loves the colour purple and also chocolates. She was not well the other day and I knew she needed something cheerful and fun. I was able to find some gorgeous purple tulips, which were sent along with chocolates. I was so happy to see the wide selection of colours, arrangements, and prices to suit every budget. My daughter loved the bouquet and sent me pictures. It was exactly what I wanted for her. Thank you! I don't send flowers often (not in years!), but this was a fabulous outcome. I recommend Canada Flowers wholeheartedly. Thanks again!
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Sandra S.

I have ordered floral arrangements several times through Canada Flowers and have never been disappointed. Recently I ordered a simple sympathy arrangement. It was delivered on time and was absolutely gorgeous, better than depicted in their website photo. I remain very pleased with the service and the product provided. Thank you!
Google Review Img

Jill C.

I don't order flowers often. I found Canada Flowers online. Their prices and delivery fees looked decent. I did not upgrade, just went with the basics. It was a Thanksgiving/Fall type of arrangment. I was ABSOLUTELY beautiful. The recipients sent photos. I ordered online but I called to find out about whether they had been delivered. I was very impressed that you get to talk to a real person. I would use this company again.
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Connie B.

Ordering was super easy. Delivery was on the day specified. The hardest part was deciding what to choose. There were so many options. The bouquet we chose looked exactly like the website. Will definitely order from here again.
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Karen C.

Wasn’t t sure how to order flowers to different Province. But the order desk was very helpful, walked me thru it no problems. The flowers were on time.The flowers were perfect the recipient sent me pictures very happy with Canada flowers.
Google Review Img

Elizabeth E.

I ordered the basic lavender field flowers bouquet for my mother in laws birthday. She lives in a small town in Ontario (Southampton). The arrangement was beautiful and full! I was soo impressed. She was so happy! They were beautiful
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Claudia C.

Friends and family have always been in awe of the beauty of bouquets and arrangements they receive and have added joy to their day! Ease of ordering, responsive. Flowers always delivered in a timely manner.
Google Review Img

Richard M.

Canada Flowers is awesome. They have prepared and promptly delivered a half a dozen bereavement flower arrangements just this year for me, each with special requests, such as ribbons attached using colours of regimental ties, with specific messages, all done exactly as requested, for families of CAF & First Responder families with whom I have worked. All look magnificent, exact to the finest detail, and delivered promptly, sometimes with not more than 7 hrs notice. Just amazing. I just don't bother to go anywhere else...never will. Thanks to all the staff at Canada Flowers for your outstanding service.
Google Review Img

Kingsley H.

The flowers are lovely and my wife loved them! Was hoping to see a bit more roses in there but the color variety was pleasant and they throw in a vase for you! Placed order feb 7 to have it deliver next day and arrived at 6:10pm. (Their delivery time is between 10am - 6pm as mentioned on their website). Their email response time was appropriate and they'll send you an email receipt and that your order has been confirmed/processed. Great job Canada Flowers!
Google Review Img

June S.

I send flowers every year to my parents in another province for Christmas. I am always impressed by how happy it makes him. I will use this service always.
Pops of Pastel

Pops of Pastel

Teleflora #T24M205
Morning Melody

Morning Melody

Teleflora #​T68-3
Everlasting Lavender

Everlasting Lavender

Teleflora #TFWEB356
Citrus Smiles

Citrus Smiles

Teleflora #​TEV43-3
Daisies and Sunbeams

Daisies and Sunbeams

Teleflora #TEV10-1A
Lush Blush

Lush Blush

Teleflora #TEV45-2A
In Love With Lime

In Love With Lime

Teleflora #TEV44-1A
Pretty Pop

Pretty Pop

Teleflora #T24M305
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