Teleflora Mother's Day Flowers

Send Mom flowers for Mother's Day! Our Teleflora Mother's Day Flowers catalogue features stunning flowers specially crafted just for Mom. Canada Flowers delivers Teleflora flowers across Canada every day. We are honoured yearly as a leading worldwide Teleflora florist. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's National Florist. Featuring prices in Canadian dollars. There are no extra service fees and satisfaction is guaranteed. Browse our Canada Flowers Original Mother's Day Flowers to see what else we have to offer.


Rosy Skies

Rosy Skies

Teleflora #T24M310
Alluring Mosaic

Alluring Mosaic

Teleflora #T24M300
Blooming Brilliant

Blooming Brilliant

Teleflora #T24M400
Everlasting Lavender

Everlasting Lavender

Teleflora #TFWEB356
Sweetest Flutter

Sweetest Flutter

Teleflora #T24M200
Morning Melody

Morning Melody

Teleflora #​T68-3
Citrus Smiles

Citrus Smiles

Teleflora #​TEV43-3
Shimmering Oasis

Shimmering Oasis

Teleflora #T24M410
Google Review Img

Adams C.

I sent my Dearest friend and family her favorite flowers, Gerbera Daisy's for the loss of their beloved Dog Zoey. Although I didn't see the final product, She said they were Perfect and that she Loved them with my sentiment. So Thank You for helping my Friend brighten their Day a little.
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Jeanette W.

Beautiful arrangement and delivered as promised. Price was fair too. Extremely pleased with the service.
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Kingsley H.

The flowers are lovely and my wife loved them! Was hoping to see a bit more roses in there but the color variety was pleasant and they throw in a vase for you! Placed order feb 7 to have it deliver next day and arrived at 6:10pm. (Their delivery time is between 10am - 6pm as mentioned on their website). Their email response time was appropriate and they'll send you an email receipt and that your order has been confirmed/processed. Great job Canada Flowers!
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Jennifer H.

I was very pleased with the bouquet that was delivered to my aunt in New York State! I live in Canada so I was so pleased to order these and be able to pay in Canadian funds. It was expensive but she loved them and I’d use them again for a special occasion!
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Darlene F.

The quality of the flowers were fantastic. Delivery on time. I have used Canada Flowers in the past and will continue to do so - never disappointed
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Linda S.

Ordered a nice pointsetta and a little teddy bear for my Mom. We just lost my Dad in August and this will be her first Christmas without him. She lives in a retirement home and due to Covid can only have one essential visitor, so she is very lonely and sad. This plant really cheered her up. it is almost like a little Christmas Tree, was decorated with some Christmas bows and little bells on the bottom and a cute snowflake at the top. The little bear was bigger than I thought it was going to be and she said it is so soft and cuddly. The plant is very nice and healthy too. She moved to a new city and I have never used this florist before. I will continue to use them. Very happy.
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The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
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Tracy C.

The condolence flowers I had sent to relatives in Alberta were absolutely beautiful! She just sent a picture of them amd they are exactly as ordered. Will use this site again. Very happy with the purchase.
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Stephanie S.

Excellent Service!! Beautiful flowers (even when substitutions are made from my original selection). Recipient says they were "outstanding" and I have to agree (based on the photo she sent me). Kudos! Will DEFINATELY keep using them for future orders!
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Brenda P.

I highly recommend Canada Flowers. I send my Aunt, who is in a retirement home, a few bouquets each year. Every floral arrangement has been received with amazement by her for the quality of the flowers, how long lasting they are & the multitude of styles. Each bouquet is so different. The Easter gift this year was a collection of living plants, some flowering & presented in a beautiful wicker basket. She loved it. A huge thank you from me for always getting it right.
Glamour and Glitter

Glamour and Glitter

Telelfora #T24M405
Pops of Pastel

Pops of Pastel

Teleflora #T24M205
Oceanside Garden

Oceanside Garden

Teleflora #TEV47-1A
Rosy Swirls

Rosy Swirls

Teleflora #T24M500
Pretty Pop

Pretty Pop

Teleflora #T24M305
Lush Blush

Lush Blush

Teleflora #TEV45-2A
Radiant Reflections

Radiant Reflections

Teleflora #TEV31-3A
Pop Of Fun

Pop Of Fun

Teleflora #TEV45-3A
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