Teleflora Spring Flowers

All Teleflora Spring Flowers are hand-made by professional florists and are locally delivered fresh to the door. Here you will find arrangements to send that feature bright spring flower colours using Asiatic lilies, tulips, daisies and more. Our Canada Flowers Original Spring Flowers catalogue has even more spring flower options to choose from. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's national florist, specializing in the very best local Canadian Teleflora spring flower delivery services. 


Full Of Love

Full Of Love

Teleflora #TEV24-2A
Spring Romance

Spring Romance

Teleflora #​TEV24-4A
Storybook Rose

Storybook Rose

Teleflora #T24S110
Just Tickled

Just Tickled

Teleflora #​TEV33-2
Magical Muse

Magical Muse

Teleflora #T23E300
Passionate Purple Tulips

Passionate Purple Tulips

Teleflora #​T148-2A
Aqua Amour

Aqua Amour

Teleflora #T24E205
Lavender In Bloom

Lavender In Bloom

Teleflora #T23E200
Google Review Img


The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
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Michelle D.

Great quality products, great value & quick delivery! I've placed a few orders for occasions and I've yet to be disappointed. My latest order was Fall floral boquet for new neighbours. Same-day delivery. Very pleased!
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Adams C.

I sent my Dearest friend and family her favorite flowers, Gerbera Daisy's for the loss of their beloved Dog Zoey. Although I didn't see the final product, She said they were Perfect and that she Loved them with my sentiment. So Thank You for helping my Friend brighten their Day a little.
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Jenn B.

My first time ordering with Canada Flowers and it was a great experience. I ordered a bouquet to be sent to Italy for my mother's birthday. The website was easy to navigate, customer service was super helpful when I was missing a piece of information and the bouquet was beautiful. Would definitely recommend and use again!
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Claudia C.

Friends and family have always been in awe of the beauty of bouquets and arrangements they receive and have added joy to their day! Ease of ordering, responsive. Flowers always delivered in a timely manner.
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Joyce M.

I placed an order fro my Neice's Birthday and they were absolutely stunning and almost identical to the bouquet I picked. Thank you!
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Lezlie O.

I sent flowers to a client recently, out of province. She called and said they were beautiful. The delivery was on time.. the only suggestion I would make is when someone is sending flowers, that the sender is obviously not going to see because they are out of province, it would be nice if a photo was sent to the sender so they know what was sent. Other than that great job!! Thanks
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Sonja F.

Fast delivery and flowers are worth the money for every budget! Definitely will choose Canada flowers again.
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Diane H.

I ordered these flowers On-Line. It was a very easy and user friendly process! I had them preordered to arrive for my Mother’s Birthday. This was a delivery made to a Nursing Home in Scarborough, Ontario. They arrived right when expected and my Mother was thrilled! Everything was exactly as shown on-line! Very pleased!
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Heather J.

The flower arrangement arrived the day promised for a gathering the following day. Years ago, I completed a certification program in floral design so I am well aware of quality and freshness. I felt the value was very good for the price paid. Thank you. Note: I purchased the "medium priced" version.
Spring Waltz

Spring Waltz

Teleflora #T141-1A
Pretty As A Pearl

Pretty As A Pearl

Teleflora #T22E305
Adored Aqua

Adored Aqua

Teleflora #T24E210
Perfectly Pastel

Perfectly Pastel

Teleflora #TEV13-5A
Lush Garden

Lush Garden

Teleflora #T24S100
Garden Beauty

Garden Beauty

Teleflora #T24E200
Shimmering Beauty

Shimmering Beauty

Teleflora #T23E310
Pretty Blossoms

Pretty Blossoms

Teleflora #T24S105
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