Teleflora Summer Flowers

All of our bright and colourful Teleflora Summer flowers are hand-made by the very best professional Teleflora florists and are locally delivered fresh to the door, across Canada. We are Canada Flowers, Canada's national florist, specializing in premium local Canadian Teleflora flower delivery services. If you don't find the perfect summer flower arrangement below, you can check out our catalogue of original Summer Flowers.


Tropical Punch

Tropical Punch

Teleflora #​TEV31-8A
Amethyst Awe

Amethyst Awe

Teleflora #TEV60-7
Summer Chic

Summer Chic

Teleflora #​T158-1A
Sunny Mood

Sunny Mood

Teleflora #TEV43-2A
Rainbow Love

Rainbow Love

Teleflora #TEV65-3
Golden Laughter

Golden Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV46-1
Pleased As Punch

Pleased As Punch

Teleflora #​TEV31-1A
Happy As Can Be

Happy As Can Be

Teleflora #TEV61-2
Google Review Img

Brenda P.

I highly recommend Canada Flowers. I send my Aunt, who is in a retirement home, a few bouquets each year. Every floral arrangement has been received with amazement by her for the quality of the flowers, how long lasting they are & the multitude of styles. Each bouquet is so different. The Easter gift this year was a collection of living plants, some flowering & presented in a beautiful wicker basket. She loved it. A huge thank you from me for always getting it right.
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Elizabeth E.

I ordered the basic lavender field flowers bouquet for my mother in laws birthday. She lives in a small town in Ontario (Southampton). The arrangement was beautiful and full! I was soo impressed. She was so happy! They were beautiful
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Avril F.

Very satisfied with the whole process of ordering with Canada Flowers as excellent floral arrangments and was delivered on time. Recipient was beyond happy with the gorgeous display. I certainly wouldn't hesitate ordering flowers from Canada Flowers once again.
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Linda S.

Ordered a nice pointsetta and a little teddy bear for my Mom. We just lost my Dad in August and this will be her first Christmas without him. She lives in a retirement home and due to Covid can only have one essential visitor, so she is very lonely and sad. This plant really cheered her up. it is almost like a little Christmas Tree, was decorated with some Christmas bows and little bells on the bottom and a cute snowflake at the top. The little bear was bigger than I thought it was going to be and she said it is so soft and cuddly. The plant is very nice and healthy too. She moved to a new city and I have never used this florist before. I will continue to use them. Very happy.
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Richard M.

Canada Flowers is awesome. They have prepared and promptly delivered a half a dozen bereavement flower arrangements just this year for me, each with special requests, such as ribbons attached using colours of regimental ties, with specific messages, all done exactly as requested, for families of CAF & First Responder families with whom I have worked. All look magnificent, exact to the finest detail, and delivered promptly, sometimes with not more than 7 hrs notice. Just amazing. I just don't bother to go anywhere else...never will. Thanks to all the staff at Canada Flowers for your outstanding service.
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Vivian H.

I gave this beautiful arrangement to my daughter and she loved it! The flowers were fresh and the delivery time was perfect. I have ordered from Canada Flowers many times and will order from them again.
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Faith B.

I’ve been ordering flowers from this website for many years. The arrangements are always exceptional and true to the images on the Canada Flowers pages. I’ve sent flowers internationally and every single time have been completely and totally satisfied. I recommend Canada flowers to every one!
Google Review Img

Maria S.

My daughter loves the colour purple and also chocolates. She was not well the other day and I knew she needed something cheerful and fun. I was able to find some gorgeous purple tulips, which were sent along with chocolates. I was so happy to see the wide selection of colours, arrangements, and prices to suit every budget. My daughter loved the bouquet and sent me pictures. It was exactly what I wanted for her. Thank you! I don't send flowers often (not in years!), but this was a fabulous outcome. I recommend Canada Flowers wholeheartedly. Thanks again!
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Marcia G.

I’m so glad I chose this flower shop. My friend looked my Christmas/ birthday arrangement. Definitely a great experience.
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Christina M.

Amazing service. Ordered for the first time recently for the flowers to be delivered today, and they were delivered on time with my message on a beautifully handwritten note. Flowers were very fresh, full and beautiful. 10/10, will be ordering from here again.
Summer Daydream

Summer Daydream

Teleflora #​TEV31-4A


Teleflora #TEV43-1A
Jewel Tones

Jewel Tones

Teleflora #TEV61-8
In Love With Lime

In Love With Lime

Teleflora #TEV44-1A
Sunrise At Sea

Sunrise At Sea

Teleflora #TEV61-1
Fiery Lily and Rose

Fiery Lily and Rose

Teleflora #​T47-2A
Glorious Morning

Glorious Morning

Teleflora #TEV61-7
Sweet Savannah

Sweet Savannah

Teleflora #TEV60-3
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