Teleflora Thank You Flowers

Thinking about someone special? Celebrate the kindness of others with a colourful Thank You flowers hand-arranged and delivered by a local florist. ​Featuring prices in Canadian dollars. Order by 2 pm EDT for same day delivery to most towns and cities across Canada.


Lavender Laughter

Lavender Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV28-2A
Together At Twilight

Together At Twilight

Teleflora #​TEV42-5A
Citrus Splash

Citrus Splash

Teleflora #TFWEB418


Teleflora #​T155-1A
Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours

Teleflora ​#TEV31-5A
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4
Posh Pinks

Posh Pinks

Pink Lilies, Pink Roses etc.
Fiesta Gerbera

Fiesta Gerbera

Teleflora #TF-WEB3
Google Review Img

Stephanie S.

Excellent Service!! Beautiful flowers (even when substitutions are made from my original selection). Recipient says they were "outstanding" and I have to agree (based on the photo she sent me). Kudos! Will DEFINATELY keep using them for future orders!
Google Review Img

Lou W.

The agent that took my call was amazing! She was caring and compassionate and waited patiently while I bawled my face off and told her how much I miss my mother-in-law. That kind of representative is rare and should be treated like gold. The flowers were delivered on time and were breathtaking. Thank you!
Google Review Img

June S.

I send flowers every year to my parents in another province for Christmas. I am always impressed by how happy it makes him. I will use this service always.
Google Review Img

Mark/Carol H.

I ordered the flowers online, and it was a seamless experience from start to finish. I even did the *add on* with a box of chocolates...I got a call on the morning of the date of delivery from our local Flower Shop, and they made the delivery, plus the Flowers were beautiful, exactly what I ordered! The recipient loved it.
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Colleen J.

I have ordered several times and never had a bad experience. Always on time and beautiful arrangements.
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Gail G.

The flowers were just stunning! They were for a milestone birthday for my cousin in BC. She was thrilled.
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Will A.

So many beautiful choices. The one we chose came with the same white vase and the most beautiful arrangement of white flowers I have ever seen. Just like the picture only much bigger and beautiful than I could have imagined. Your arrangement out shone every other Arrangement that was there. The main idea was to make cousin Judy pleased with our memorium to her. We are sure she was overjoyed with our arrangement that you designed.
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Karen O.

Excellent experience: beautiful choices & speedy responses to any concerns & questions. The recipient loved the arrangement
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Douglas T.

The flowers were delivered promptly and the recipient says they were "beautiful". Two happy customers. Well done!
Google Review Img

Sonja F.

Fast delivery and flowers are worth the money for every budget! Definitely will choose Canada flowers again.
Delightfully Daisy

Delightfully Daisy

Teleflora #TFWEB433
Baby Be Mine

Baby Be Mine

Teleflora #TFWEB629
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