Teleflora Thank You Flowers

Thinking about someone special? Celebrate the kindness of others with a colourful Thank You flowers hand-arranged and delivered by a local florist. ​Featuring prices in Canadian dollars. Order by 2 pm EDT for same day delivery to most towns and cities across Canada.


Together At Twilight

Together At Twilight

Teleflora #​TEV42-5A
Lavender Laughter

Lavender Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV28-2A
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4


Teleflora #​T155-1A
Fiesta Gerbera

Fiesta Gerbera

Teleflora #TF-WEB3
Delightfully Daisy

Delightfully Daisy

Teleflora #TFWEB433
Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours

Teleflora ​#TEV31-5A
Citrus Splash

Citrus Splash

Teleflora #TFWEB418
Google Review Img

June S.

I send flowers every year to my parents in another province for Christmas. I am always impressed by how happy it makes him. I will use this service always.
Google Review Img

Heather J.

The flower arrangement arrived the day promised for a gathering the following day. Years ago, I completed a certification program in floral design so I am well aware of quality and freshness. I felt the value was very good for the price paid. Thank you. Note: I purchased the "medium priced" version.
Google Review Img

Linda W.

My friend called me when she received the plant to tell me how beautiful it was. Delivery was prompt as promised. Thank you Canada Flowers.
Google Review Img

Darlene W.

Absolutely beautiful, exactly what the picture looked like. Brought tears to my cousin as it was for her sons celebration of life gathering. She said it was the most beautiful arrangement she ever received. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again.
Google Review Img


The flowers were for my best friend and I only got a picture of them and did not see them myself. The picture she sent me looks like they are very nice and she said they were beautiful. Lots to chose from, easy to order and the delivery was great. The price is very comparable as well and you had three options to chose from price wise
Google Review Img

Brenda P.

I highly recommend Canada Flowers. I send my Aunt, who is in a retirement home, a few bouquets each year. Every floral arrangement has been received with amazement by her for the quality of the flowers, how long lasting they are & the multitude of styles. Each bouquet is so different. The Easter gift this year was a collection of living plants, some flowering & presented in a beautiful wicker basket. She loved it. A huge thank you from me for always getting it right.
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Brian G.

My wife was very pleased with the bouquet she received on her 65th birthday. Delivery was right on time and the flowers were perfect as seen in the photo. Great job!
Google Review Img


Canada flowers never lets me down! The arrangements are always abundant and fragrant. They also often have promotional codes that help with the cost of shipping.
Google Review Img

Joyce M.

I placed an order fro my Neice's Birthday and they were absolutely stunning and almost identical to the bouquet I picked. Thank you!
Google Review Img

Alison O.

My daughter was delighted with her birthday flowers (photo#1) when they arrived. Day 3 the first lily opened and now a week later (photo#3) she said ” they are getting better by the day!” The lilies make it a full bouquet as they open. Thank you! She told me to take note of where I ordered for next time! I will.
Posh Pinks

Posh Pinks

Pink Lilies, Pink Roses etc.
Baby Be Mine

Baby Be Mine

Teleflora #TFWEB629
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