Teleflora Thank You Flowers

Thinking about someone special? Celebrate the kindness of others with a colourful Thank You flowers hand-arranged and delivered by a local florist. ​Featuring prices in Canadian dollars. Order by 2 pm EDT for same day delivery to most towns and cities across Canada.


Together At Twilight

Together At Twilight

Teleflora #​TEV42-5A
Lavender Laughter

Lavender Laughter

Teleflora #​TEV28-2A
Citrus Splash

Citrus Splash

Teleflora #TFWEB418
Vivid Love

Vivid Love

Teleflora #​TEV55-4
Posh Pinks

Posh Pinks

Pink Lilies, Pink Roses etc.


Teleflora #​T155-1A
Baby Be Mine

Baby Be Mine

Teleflora #TFWEB629
Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours

Teleflora ​#TEV31-5A
Google Review Img


Fast and on time! Person who delivered was great! My mother loves the flowers and i plan to buy more from here in the future Such beautiful flowers and decorated really well!
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Jill C.

I don't order flowers often. I found Canada Flowers online. Their prices and delivery fees looked decent. I did not upgrade, just went with the basics. It was a Thanksgiving/Fall type of arrangment. I was ABSOLUTELY beautiful. The recipients sent photos. I ordered online but I called to find out about whether they had been delivered. I was very impressed that you get to talk to a real person. I would use this company again.
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Aaron P.

Great service, Mother's Day during a pandemic meant that shipping was my only real option. Arrived on time and beautifully done and as an added bonus I joked "watch out for bees" on the card - and the florist included little fake bees hidden in the bouquet. Loved the attention to detail - will definitely use this service again.
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Linda W.

My friend called me when she received the plant to tell me how beautiful it was. Delivery was prompt as promised. Thank you Canada Flowers.
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Barbara Ann C.

Easy ordering & delivered at a good time same day! She took a photo of the flower arrangement to show me. Absolutely beautiful & Karen loves them!! I’ve always thought of daisies as happy flower, the lift Karen truly needed! Great job! Thankyou!
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Mark B.

The ordering process was very straight forward and easy to accomplish. The flowers arrived on the designated day and the arrangement was what I had ordered. Well done Canada Flowers!!
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Douglas T.

The flowers were delivered promptly and the recipient says they were "beautiful". Two happy customers. Well done!
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Linda S.

Ordered a nice pointsetta and a little teddy bear for my Mom. We just lost my Dad in August and this will be her first Christmas without him. She lives in a retirement home and due to Covid can only have one essential visitor, so she is very lonely and sad. This plant really cheered her up. it is almost like a little Christmas Tree, was decorated with some Christmas bows and little bells on the bottom and a cute snowflake at the top. The little bear was bigger than I thought it was going to be and she said it is so soft and cuddly. The plant is very nice and healthy too. She moved to a new city and I have never used this florist before. I will continue to use them. Very happy.
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Flowers arrived on time and were beautiful! Ordered a christmas table arrangement. I loved it. Still looking good a week later.
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Vivian H.

I gave this beautiful arrangement to my daughter and she loved it! The flowers were fresh and the delivery time was perfect. I have ordered from Canada Flowers many times and will order from them again.
Delightfully Daisy

Delightfully Daisy

Teleflora #TFWEB433
Fiesta Gerbera

Fiesta Gerbera

Teleflora #TF-WEB3
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